
View the Project on GitHub LANDIS-II-Foundation/Extension-LinearWind

What is the Linear Wind Extension?

The Linear Wind extension generates linear wind events such as tornadoes and derechos, and is loosely based on the Original Wind extension, primarily differing in the shape of wind events and producing variability in wind speed within wind events. The extension can simulate both derechos and tornadoes in the same time step. Micro-bursts and other wind events that typically produce more circular patterns of disturbance are more simply simulated using the Base Wind extension.

Release Notes


You need:

Download and Install the Extension

Example Files

Example files can be downloaded from GitHub.


Cite the User Guide


If you have a question, please contact Eric Gustafson. You can also ask for help in the LANDIS-II users group.

If you come across any issue or suspected bug, please post about it in the issue section of the Github repository (GitHub ID required).


The LANDIS-II Foundation

Mail : eric.gustafson@usda.gov