
Biomass reclassification extension for LANDIS-II

View the Project on GitHub LANDIS-II-Foundation/Extension-Output-Biomass-Reclass

What is the Biomass Reclassification Output Extension?

This extension summarizes output from any biomass-compatible extensions, including NECN, PnET, and Biomass Succession. The Biomass Reclassification Output extension reclassifies sites into forest types dependent upon species dominance at that site. Dominance is determined by total biomass per species at the site.

Release Notes


You need:


Example Files

LANDIS-II requires a global parameter file for your scenario, and separate parameter files for each extension.

Example files can be downloaded from GitHub.


Scheller, R. M. and D.J. Mladenoff. 2004. A forest growth and biomass module for a landscape simulation model, LANDIS: Design, validation, and application. Ecological Modelling 180: 211-229.


If you have a question, please contact Robert Scheller. You can also ask for help in the LANDIS-II users group.

If you come across any issue or suspected bug, please post about it in the issue section of the Github repository (GitHub ID required).


The LANDIS-II Foundation

Mail : rschell@ncsu.edu